Study Abroad

Omkar Overseas is India’s fastest growing and leading Study Abroad consultant. We assist students with all admission-related requirements applicable to universities in the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and other countries that are best suited to the student’s profile.

Starting with the selection of a university, country, city, and fees, we assist students in narrowing down their list based on their interests, qualifications, and career opportunities through an elimination round. Our counsellors can provide you with all of the information and assistance you require in order to select the best course and university for you.

Improve your domestic credentials by gaining global exposure in your chosen field of study. While studying abroad, we will assist you in researching the best universities, courses, and scholarships that match your interests and aspirations.

Use our services, and we will assist and guide you in college selection, study visa processing, pre- and post-departure interviews, and any other specific requirements.

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